60 Frog Jokes & Puns For A Hopping Good Laugh

40+ Frog Jokes & Puns For A Hopping Good Laugh
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Frogs have long been a source of fascination for humans and frog jokes are similarly fascinating too. These amphibians are have certain features that make them interesting creatures, and there are many reasons why frogs are so special. That’s why there are so many frog jokes and frog puns as well.

One of the most notable things about frogs is their physical appearance. Frogs come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, which makes them one of the most diverse groups of animals on the planet. Many frog jokes also pick up on these characteristics and turn them into puns to entertain for a laugh.

Did you know that some frogs are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, while others can grow to be over a foot long! And while many frogs are green or brown, some species sport bright colours. This ability to brighten up the room is something that you’d find in frog jokes and puns too.

Funny Frog Jokes For a Ribbiting Good Laugh

Funny Frog Jokes For a Ribbiting Good Laugh

Year-end Holiday Camps: Discover Fun and Exciting Camps for Kids; Book Early

Farm Fright: Join City Sprouts For Their Halloween Bash On 26 Oct

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1. Have you heard the joke about the frog?
It’s ribbiting.

2. What happened to the frog that parked in the wrong zone?
His car was toad.

3. What type of shoes did the frog lady like to wear?
Open-toad shoes.

4. How can you tell that a frog is angry?
When it is hopping mad.

5. What did Miss Piggy say when asked on a date?
Sorry, I’m in a Kermitted relationship.

6. What did the frog say when he found out that he had been dumped.
I wish you’d toad me earlier.

7. What did the hipster frog say to the other hipster frog?
You’re toad-ally cool.

8. What do frogs do with paper?
Rip it. Rip it.

9. What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?

10. Why are frogs so happy?
Because they eat whatever bugs them.

11. What do you call a frog who has no legs?

12.Why did the tadpole feel lonely?
Because he was newt to the pond.

13. What do you call a frog spy?
A croak and dagger agent.

14. What happened when the frog’s car broke down?
He jump-started it.

15. Where does a witch’s frog sit?
On a toadstool.

16. What did the frog say about his favourite book?
Reddit, reddit, reddit.

17. Where do frogs get their eggs?
At the spawn shop.

18. What do you get if you cross a frog with some mist?
Kermit the Fog.

19. What kind of music do frogs like best?
Hip hop.

20. Where do toads put their hats and coats?
In the croakroom.

21. What did the bus driver say to the frog at the bus stop?
Hop on.

22. What do you get if you cross a science fiction film with a toad?
Star Warts.

23. What is a frog’s favourite sweet?
A lollihop.

24. What does a frog order at a restaurant?
French flies and a diet croak.

25. Waiter, do you have frog legs?
No, I always walk this way.

26. What do you call a frog hanging over your head at Christmas?

27. Why did the frog make so many mistakes at school?
It kept jumping to the wrong conclusions.

28. What do you get when you cross an alligator and a poisonous frog?
A croakadile.

29. Where did the short-sighted frog go to get his glasses?
The Hopthalmologist.

30. What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?
Morse toad.

More Funny Frog Puns and Toad Jokes

Funny Frog and Toad Jokes & Puns

There are many reasons why frogs are such special creatures. Their physical diversity, powerful jumping ability, and keen sense of hearing all make them fascinating animals that are worth learning more about.

Frogs also have an excellent sense of hearing, which helps them avoid danger and find food. They use their long tongues to catch insects, and many species of frog can eat more than 1,000 insects in a single day!

Frogs are absolutely ribeting creatures, right? Are you ready for more frog jokes that you can get abso-hop-ly enjoy? We’ve got plenty more of them to keep you entertained. 

Let’s hop to it!  

31. What happens when you cross a frog with a dog?
A croaker spaniel.

32. What’s a frog’s favourite flower?
A croakus.

33. What is frogs favourite soda?

34. What did the frog wear to the beach?
Open toad sandals.

35. What do stylish frogs wear?

36. Why did the frog have to go to the hospital?
The doctor said he needed a hopperation.

37. What is a frog’s favourite sport?

38. Which frog has horns?
A bull frog

39. What do you get if you cross a snake and a frog?
A jump rope.

40. What type of music do posh frogs listen to?

41. What happens when you cross a rabbit and a frog?
A bunny ribbit.

42. What is a frog’s favourite year?
A leap year.

41. Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes?
He enjoyed a good croak and dagger story.

42. What do you call a frog that lies?
An am-fib-ian.

43. What do frog use to fasten sheets of metal? 

44. What is a frog’s favorite meal at a fast food restaurant?
French flies.

45. What do frogs drink in winter?
Hot croak-co.

46. How deep in water can frogs go while still croaking?
Knee deep, knee deep.

47. What happens when you cross a frog and a dog?
You get a croaka-spaniel.

48. How do you know when a frog has no money?
It goes “baroke, baroke, baroke”.

49. How do frog secret agents communicate?
They use Morse Toad.

50. What is a frog’s favorite type of candy?

51. Where do frogs keep their money? 
In the river bank. 

52. What type of music do frogs like the most?
Hip hop. 

53. What is a frog’s favorite science fiction movie?
Star Warts.

54. Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Kermit, who?
If you Kermit a crime, you will get caught by the police.

55. Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Toad, who?
I toad you to open up the door already! 

56. What is the name of the frog that starred in The Hobbit?
Frog-go Baggins.

57. What to hear a joke about frogs?
It is absolutely ribbiting.

58. Why did the tadpole feel lonely?
He was newt to the neighborhood.

59. What game do frogs play in Scotland?

60. Why did the frog wear a mask and go to the bank?
To robbit.

If you enjoyed these jokes, we pretty sure that you’ll enjoy these mushroom jokes, these dentist jokes, golf jokes, sock puns or these cheese jokes. We also have plenty of fun and interesting riddles for kids that you will enjoy, as well as some of the hardest tongue twisters on the planet.

What are you waiting for? Hop to it! 

Year-end Holiday Camps: Discover Fun and Exciting Camps for Kids; Book Early

Farm Fright: Join City Sprouts For Their Halloween Bash On 26 Oct

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