Marine Life Along Singapore’s Shores

Marine Life Along Singapore's Shores
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Singapore shores are alive! Join marine enthusiasts in celebrating the International Year of the Reefs in 2018! Here are some seashore animals you can find around Singapore’s coast.

Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs in Singapore
Photo: Ria Tan

Yes! Singapore has coral reefs. They are teeming with amazing marine life. Reefs support wild dolphins and sea turtles, still regularly seen nowadays in our waters. No need to dive! You can explore our reefs by joining low tide walks at the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park.

Sea Stars

Sea Stars
Photo: Ria Tan

Singapore’s seagrass meadows are sparkling with stars! Often called starfish, these creatures are not fish at all! So let’s call them sea stars. Be kind to our stars. Don’t pick them up as many sea-stars can purposely drop off an arm if they feel threatened! This is how they might escape the jaws of a predator. Get close to our stars by joining seashore walks by NParks at Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin or the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park.

Horseshoe Crabs

Horseshoe Crab - Marine Life Along Singapore's Shores
Photo: Ria Tan

Horseshoe crabs are strange, ancient creatures that have been around since before the dinosaurs. Singapore is lucky to have two types of horseshoe crabs, but they are endangered. Learn and do more for our horseshoe crabs by volunteering with Horseshoe Crab Rescue and Research by the Nature Society (Singapore).

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Photo: Ria Tan

Happy both in water and on land, mudskippers sometimes get mistaken as frogs or snakes. But a mudskipper is a fish! Singapore has many kinds of mudskippers. The Giant mudskipper is our biggest and “baddest”. It can grow to the size of your foot! An aggressive hunter, it eats mainly prawns, small crabs and insects, and sometimes, other smaller mudskippers too! Spot them at the free family walks every month by the Naked Hermit Crabs at Pasir Ris mangrove boardwalk and Chek Jawa boardwalk.


Photo: Ria Tan

Seeing crocodiles should make us smile. Only healthy mangroves can support these magnificent top predators! Small crocodiles may eat insects, frogs, crabs and fishes. Adults can eat larger fish, birds and mammals, hunting mainly at night. Despite our worst fears, crocodiles don’t eat people. Like any wild animal, crocodiles will not harm humans if we keep a respectful distance from them. The best way for an opportunity to see them for yourself is to join free monthly walks at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

Visit the Celebrating Singapore Shores website for more of the latest seashore events for families and kids.

READ: Horseshoe Crabs, Mudskippers and More At Sungei Buloh

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