25+ March Jokes To Add A Spring To Your Step

15+ March Jokes To Add A Spring To Your Step
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The third month of the year, it’s the time when we celebrate being in Spring and bidding goodbye to the coldness of winter. Here are some funny jokes about March that are sure to add a spring to your step.

Family-Friendly March Jokes: March A Do About Nothing 

15+ Family Friendly March Jokes

1. What is a leg’s favourite month?

2. Why is everyone so tired on April 1?
Because they’ve just finished a long, 31 day March.

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3. Why are oak trees so forgiving?
Every March they “turn over a new leaf”.

4. What March flowers grow on faces?

5. Why is March the most popular month to use a trampoline?
It’s spring-time.

6. What falls during March but never gets hurt?
The rain.

7. When does pest control get the post calls?
When the ants are on the March.

8. What do trumpet players in a spring parade do?

9. What goes up when March rain comes down?
An umbrella.

10. Which crime-fighter likes March the most?

11. Can February March?
No, but April May.

12. I’m devastated that I won’t be able to celebrate my birthday this March, I was born in November

13. Sometimes February feels like it will last forever…
But time Marches on.

More Funny March Jokes & Puns

More Funny March Jokes & Puns

With the arrival of the month of March, we are truly into the new year. So, it is the perfect time to enjoy some silly and funny March jokes and puns to help us get through the months ahead.

14. What can be seen in the middle of ‘April’ and ‘March’, but can’t be seen in the beginning or end of either one?
letter “r.”

15. I asked my girlfriend when her birthday was.
She said “March 1st”. So i walked round the room and asked her again…

16. What is a solider’s least favourite day?
March Fourth.

17. My girlfriend messaged me to say she’s breaking up with me because I’m too childish. So I marched over to her house, rang her doorbell and ran away. That’ll teach her.

18. Why is it easy to prank someone born on 31 March on April’s Fool’s Day? 
Because they were literally born yesterday.

19. What happened to Julius Cesar on the Ides of March?
He became the holey Roman emperor.

20. What did the lazy non-thinker say on the 15 March?
Beware the Ideas of March.

Man 1: Did you now that Pancake Day is in March?
Man 2: Is that so? It just creped up on us, didn’t it?

22. Why did the girl learn the trumpet in February?
Because she wanted to be in the March-ing band.

23. What did May say to March after being accused of stealing?

24. Which type of bow can’t be tied in March?
A rainbow.

25. Why was the asylum so busy after February? 
Because there was so March madness.

26. Why was the calendar so busy before April?
Because there was so March to do.

You may also enjoy this Spring Jokes for a refreshing start.

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Carissa Soh
Carissa gets easily excited by many things but especially so by the arts, food and unicorns (which she firmly believes exist).