Panda Cub’s Baby Teeth Are Out: May Be Chomping On Bamboo Sooner Than Expected

Panda Cub Has Six Baby Teeth Out: May Start Chomping On Bamboo Sooner Than Expected
Image: Wildlife Reserves Singapore
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On average, baby pandas’ teeth usually start growing in at three months old and it is only at about seven months that they attempt eating bamboo. In this respect, Kai Kai and Jia Jia’s firstborn seems to be doing well with six cute baby panda teeth already out.

Baby Panda’s Teeth Are Out

Baby Panda's Teeth Are Out
Image: Wildlife Reserves Singapore

The giant panda caretakers at River Safari first spotted four teeth lining the the baby panda’s lower jaw on 23 September 2021 when he was 42 days old.

Just ten days later, two more teeth were spotted bring it to a total of six!

A Growing Boy

A Growing Boy
Image: Wildlife Reserves Singapore

Another milestone that took place on 6 October 2021 was that lead panda caretaker Trisha Tay was able to measure the panda cub for the first time.

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He is now 51.5 cm from the top of his nose to the base of his tail. He is growing well and starting to look a lot more chonky from his pink self that was first introduced to the world.

Baby Panda Weight
Image: Wildlife Reserves Singapore

He has also crossed the 3 kg mark and is now 3072g.

They grow up so fast, don’t they?

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Lester Ng
Lester firmly believes that it is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see (nod of the hat to Thoreau).