With newborns comes a lot of new and familiar territories; from swaddling to keeping track of how many wet diapers your newborn has had.
And when it comes time for baby to make his or her first public appearance, parents panic and wonder: what baby essentials do we need in the diaper bag? It can feel like you need to pack half your house before leaving with baby, and it might even put you off going out altogether.
But fret not – here are some diaper bag essentials that baby might need, so you can grab some lunch with friends with peace of mind!
What To Pack In Your Diaper Bag
Diapers and babies go hand-in-hand, obviously. But, how many will suffice?
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Depending on baby’s age, you might have to factor in a diaper change every 2 to 3 hours, and that’s just for wet nappies. Also, take into consideration that newborns, for example, soil their diapers straight after a feed.
So, if you think you’ll be gone for about 6 hours, pack more – I’d say 5 to 6 nappies would definitely be enough to see you through a coffee date!
As for wipes, stick with one full – or almost full – pack. In time to come, you’ll realise the wipes are used for much more than just cleaning baby bums.
If you’re not keen on lugging around a big pack of 80 sheets of wipes, consider getting a reusable wet wipe pouch. Skip Hop does a very chic looking one, perfect for on-the-go!
Diaper Changing Pad
You might like a foldable diaper changing pad that comes complete with compartments for holding nappies, wet wipes, and even an extra change of clothes. Or you could simply pack a large swaddle into your diaper bag for the sole purpose of laying onto diaper change mats when you’re out and about.
Whatever you choose to use is great, as long as you have something clean to put your baby down on. With some diaper change tables located only in washrooms, you never know what your baby could be lying on unfortunately.
Diaper Disposal Bags
Have on hand little plastic baggies – like those see-through takeaway types you can buy in bulk from the supermarket. This is so you have something to put soiled nappies and wipes in, before throwing the whole nasty package into the bin.
This may not be an environmentally-friendly option but it’s a considerate one. It’s also helpful to have a little baggie open while you’re changing baby, so you have somewhere to place the soiled diaper and wipes.
Change of Clothes
A change of clothes for you and baby is definitely a diaper bag essential, unless you want to be buying new outfits every time you’re out.
From excessive spit-up, spills, and diaper blowouts, you never know when you or baby might need a change of clothes. Choose something simple like a onesie for baby, and a T-shirt and shorts for you!
Formula Supplies
If you’re formula feeding, you don’t want to have to carry around a whole can of formula.
Fill up a reusable formula dispenser that has compartments to hold pre-measured formula powder.
Depending on how long you’ll be out of the house, prepare enough for three feeds, and have two clean empty milk bottles on hand!
If you’re breastfeeding, you shouldn’t need too many additional supplies, save for a nursing cover in the event there’s no nursing room to be found.
Should you be out of the house for long, you might want to prepare some snacks (to keep your energy and milk supply up), breast pads, and even a manual breast pump, like the Haakaa.
A silicone breast pump that simply suctions to your breast, the Haakaa is compact and lightweight, and makes pumping on-the-go a cinch!
As for the breast milk collected, you’ll probably have to pump and dump, unless you have some way to getting the milk to a fridge or freezer pronto!
Having water in your diaper bag is a must at all times.
You need water for a feed, water to wet a little towel to wipe baby’s mouth and hands clean, or just to quench your thirst!
Keep room temperature water handy in your favourite reusable bottle, and hot water in a thermal flask for feeds.
That said, a lot of nursing rooms in Singapore’s shopping centres have hot and cold water dispensers, so there’s no need to panic.
All The Rest
Is baby old enough for snacks? Or does he need his favourite toy or dummy to keep him happy in the car or stroller? Do the skies look threatening enough to warrant a foldable umbrella?
Ask yourself these questions when you’re just about ready to leave the house. It would be ideal to have everything baby could possibly need for a visit to the shops, but if it becomes too much of a hassle and keeps you from leaving the house at all, streamline your diaper bag essentials to the bare minimum.
I don’t know about you but I’d much rather be out stretching my legs, than cooped up at home! Even if it means me and my baby have spit-up on our clothes for a little while.
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