5 Things Your Newborn Does Not Need

5 Things Your Newborn Does Not Need
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As my daughter fast approaches her second birthday, I realise that the first 6 months of her life is really hazy in my mind’s eye. In fact, her first year is a blur, so thank goodness for photos and videos!

Looking through pictures, I saw things of hers that one, we’ve passed on to friends because “seriously, we couldn’t live without this!” or that two, I’ve sold or thrown out in horror at having spent unnecessary money on it.

Unfortunately, I haven’t sold or thrown away her expensive Danish cot, just in case. With her sleeping alongside my husband and me, the cot has become my dogs’ bed.

At least I’m getting some use out of it.

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Nesting and preparing for a newborn is very exciting, so don’t let anyone rain on your parade. That said, here are five items that I wouldn’t recommend as newborn essentials to soon-to-be-parents, but hey, to each his own!

Bath Thermometer

Bath Thermometer

Yea, so this thermometer tells you if the bath water is too hot for the baby. You could – maybe, just maybe – put your finger or hand or elbow in to feel if the water isn’t going to scald your baby?

Alternatively, Munchkin has a rubber duck with a base that’ll glow “HOT” if the water is, well, too hot. In time to come, it’ll make a great bath toy! 22 months on and my daughter still loves her duck-duck.

Diaper Pail

Diaper Pail

In recent decades, many residential developments have done away with having rubbish chutes within the homes, so throwing out dirty nappies quickly may not be as convenient.

Enter the diaper pail, an innovation of modern times that purports to keep odours of up to 20 soiled nappies contained. Oh, and the sleek diaper pail of today will “brighten up any nursery”.

In my case, I say forgo this supposedly chic household item! Would you really rather have 20 soiled nappies sitting in your home for an extended period of time, instead of just bagging the soiled nappy or nappies well, and then throwing it out the minute you can, even if it entails having to take baby on a short walk to the rubbish chute?

Plus, having to purchase bag refills for the diaper pail means spending money that could go to formula for the baby, or some bubble tea for mummy!

Wet Wipes Warmer

Wet Wipes

If you don’t already know this, newborns poo a whole lot. Any time, any day, any place. This essentially translates into a baby who will be awake any time he or she does a poo, and then needs to be changed.

At all hours of the night.

A warmed wet wipe isn’t going to lull the baby back to sleep any quicker in such a situation. Swiftly cleaning the baby up will.

By the way, heat dries things out. So, a wet wipes warmer would dry out your wet wipes?

Fancy Stroller

Fancy Stroller

Unless you have a very specific hobby or activity that requires your newborn to be in a very specific type of pram or stroller, put your credit card back in your wallet. Now.

When I started researching strollers, I knew I wanted one that is lightweight and that I can shut easily, preferably with one hand. I did end up buying one that ticked all my boxes.

But, my baby didn’t care for all that; she just wasn’t having it. So I babywore her. A lot.

Let’s be honest – Singapore is not stroller-friendly. It’s a mission getting into a lift packed full of able-bodied people; it’s a challenge getting into a taxi; and it’s near impossible to board a bus!

My daughter’s Japanese chariot is now reserved for walks to the playground.

Change Table

Change Table

If space isn’t an issue at home, I say go for it. Ikea sells a few different designs of change tables at prices that aren’t going to break the bank.

However, for the rest of us apartment-living creatures, a change table just takes up far too much space that I cannot justify, given that I don’t get much use out of it for long.

I sold mine cheaply the minute I could. If you haven’t bought a change table, I’d suggest setting up a change station somewhere in the room or house – buy a comfortable foam-padded change mat with raised sides, and you’re good to go!

Let us know what you think about this list! Was there something you bought in preparation for your newborn that you now realise you didn’t need?

READ: Baby Stores at Ubi – All The Essentials for Babies and Toddlers

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Trina Fang
Trina is a sometime wordsmith, but forever a crazy dog lady, who of late responds mostly to the name, mama!