Teacher Creates A Visualiser Using Toy Bricks For Online Lesson

Teacher Creates A Visualiser Using Toy Bricks For Online Lesson
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Home-based learning seems to be a topic dominating the headspace of many parents nowadays. Many are trying to help their children adapt to new ways of learning at home. However, we often forget that many teachers are also doing their best to adapt to new ways of teaching during this unprecedented circuit breaker period too.

A case in point is Ms Low Xiaoxuan, a teacher from Casuarina Primary School. After unsuccessfully trying to hold her camera phone over a textbook while teaching an online class, Ms Low decided to improvise.

LEGO Visualiser

LEGO Visualiser
With necessity being the mother of invention, she decided to use LEGO bricks to create a stand to elevate her mobile phone over the open textbook. Basically, bricks plus phone transforms into a high-tech-low-tech visualiser.
LEGO Visualiser for Home Based Learning
The visualiser was constructed with three “legs” of LEGO bricks and a LEGO baseplate cantilevered out over the textbook to hold her phone. A glass bottle with a low profile served as a counterweight to allow her phone to be balanced out at the end of the baseplate.

This innovative setup was shared by Education Minister Ong Ye Kung on his Facebook page.

Teaching remotely
It goes to show how teachers are also adapting to teaching remotely. In these unusual times, parents, students and teachers are all finding new ways of doing things.

Kudos to Ms Low for setting an example on how to find solutions by thinking out of the (LEGO) box.

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We’re In This Together – Thank You, Teachers

Apparently, Ms Low had to seek permission from her kids to use the block for the improvised visualiser. This also highlights that some teachers, just like other parents working from home, have to play dual roles, managing their work and juggling the kids too.

Truly, we’re all in this together. Let’s appreciate our teachers and support each other during this circuit breaker period. Things may not always be perfect but we can always improve and get better.


READ: 3 Tips for Home-based Learning


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Lester Ng
Lester firmly believes that it is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see (nod of the hat to Thoreau).