Punggol Point Cove Playgrounds: The Tiger And Elephant Playground & More

Punggol Point Cove Playgrounds: The Tiger And Elephant Playground & More
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There are numerous Punggol Point Cove playgrounds but one that stands out the most is the tiger and elephant playground where kids can play amidst these two majestic animals. This playground, along with other Punggol Point Cove playgrounds, provide kids and families with opportunities for play and interaction.

Punggol Point Cove Playground: The Tiger and the Elephant

Located at the common green at Punggol Point Cove, and just a show distance away from the water that overlooks Coney Island Park, you will find a pair of jungle animals stand out in the grassland. 

This pair is made up of a tiger playground and an elephant playground.  


Tiger Playground

Tiger Playground

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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The wooden tiger playground features the fearsome animal snorting away. With its wooden paws peeking out from under its face, it looks ready to pounce. 

However, kids will not be intimidated. Instead, they can run into the mouth of the tiger and head into the playground structure hidden behind the striped face.

Tiger playground at Punggol Point Cove

There is a little netted bridge for kids to cross, making their way along the tiger’s striped “body” and to the yellow slide at the end. 

A cheeky monkey peeks out from behind the tiger’s face while a two-tone brown slide provide a way down that leads to the neighbouring elephant playground. 


Elephant Playground

Elephant Playground

We were pretty excited to see the elephant playground at Punggol Point Cove. From a distance, the blue elephant looks imposing and regal. 

elephant tusks

Up close, elephant playground is a fun structure where its two tusks act as slides for kids to swoosh about. 

elephant playground at Punggol Point Cove playground

Kids can choose to enter in from the rear where a series of steps lead up to the head of the elephant. Alternatively, there is also a ladder at the elephant’s trunk that can be used to reach the platform where the slides begin. 

Other play elements at the tiger and elephant playground include a merry-go-round and monkey teeter-totter.

Ball game

There is also a circular game that four persons can play by shifting it around to try to score points.


More Punggol Point Cove Playgrounds

The tiger and elephant playground is just one of the many playgrounds found around Punggol Point Cove.

Treehouse and Leaf Playground between Blocks 447A and 445A

More Punggol Point Cove Playgrounds

Just up the slope from the tiger and elephant playground, you will find a treehouse playground. 

This playground area also features equipment like speed racers and a circular swing.

Leaf playground

Closer to Block 445A, there is another low playground with a leaf shaped structure that kids can explore. 


Ship, Hut and Rope Playgrounds at Blocks 446B and 448B

Ship, Hut and Rope Playgrounds at Blocks 446B and 448B

More playgrounds can be found lined up in front of blocks 446B and 448B. 

First, there is a ship-themed playground for kids. The two-tiered playground allow kids to play at both the upper and lower decks. A shark-themed seesaw completes the nautical adventure.

Wooden playground

A short distance away is a wooden playground. This is more elevated than the ship playground and kids can put their climbing skills to the test and walk across the netted bridge.

Log see saw

There is also a log-style see saw here. 

Blue net

For even more climbing fun, there is a blue netted play area where kids can climb about and imagine that they are out at sea.

Wooden boat

A wooden boat completes the play area.


Toddler Playground at Block 446A

Toddler Playground at Block 446A

Young children have a their own little spot that they can enjoy too. Located in front of Block 446A, there is a toddler-friendly playground with low ropes and a little structure. Suspended hammocks provide a place for kids to sit and hang out.


Punggol Point Cove  

These are just some of the fun playgrounds that can be found at Punggol Point Cove. There are some sections that were still not yet opened when we visited. 

One thing that we discovered when we were at Punggol Point Cove is that it is just opposite from the entrance to Coney Island Park. This makes it a great starting point if you wish to pay a visit to Coney Island Park.

If you enjoyed this story, you may also enjoy this other story on the best Punggol playgrounds, the animal playgrounds at Punggol Point Woods or this other story on the best outdoor playgrounds in Singapore.

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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