How To Have An Easter Egg Hunt At Home Without Easter Eggs

How To Have An Easter Egg Hunt At Home Without Easter Eggs
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With everyone is staying at home over the Easter 2020 long weekend, you can organise your own mini Easter egg hunt for the kids. Normally, you would need some sort of “hunting eggs”, plastic ones which can be hidden around an area for the kids to search out. However, even if you don’t have them available, with a little ingenuity, you can still have a fun time around indoors.

Paper Easter Egg Hunt

Instead of using “hunting eggs” how about putting together an indoor Easter egg hunt using some paper eggs instead. These can still be used to create a bit of hunt around the home. Being two-dimensional, you could even hide them in some unusual places, such as inside a book.

Here is a template that you can use to create your Easter eggs for hunting.

Paper Easter egg HuntOpenable Paper Easter Eggs

To make things more interesting, how about having “openable” Easter eggs. You can use these to hide a message inside or add another dimension to your indoor Easter egg hunt.

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Openable Easter EggUsing the template below, you can get creative with your indoor Easter egg hunt.

“Openable” Easter eggsOne of the ideas that you can do with this Openable Easter Egg template is to include various actions that the finder of the Easter egg has to do. For example, to get everyone more active while indoors, how about carrying various actions and sounds based on whatever animal is found inside the eggs they find?

Animal ActionsEaster Egg Hunt Variations

More variations include:

  • Writing alphabets into the eggs. Each person has to use the alphabets in his or her eggs to create words.
  • Writing numbers into the eggs. Each person adds up the numbers in his or her eggs and the person with the largest number is the winner.

It is up to your creativity.

Happy hunting!

READ: Can you find all Easter eggs in this colouring activity?



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