How Can Parents Partner Their Child’s Teachers During Circuit Breaker? We Ask A Preschool Teacher

How Can Parents Partner Preschool Teachers during HBL
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With the circuit breaker period in full swing, we asked a preschool teacher, Janelle Ng, about how parents can better partner with their child’s preschool teachers during this time.

How Parents Can Partner with Teachers during Circuit Breaker 

Life during HBL for Preschool Teacher

This is what she had to say.

Said Janelle, “Communication! Let us know any way that we can help and we will try our best to! We are learning together with you at this time. It also really helps when you let the kids show up for the online classes on time as it helps to instil the new routine despite being at home. We know it’s tough for kids to emotionally cope during this period of time, but mutual support between parent and teacher is important for getting through this. After all, we are in this together for our children.”

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For parents who are still struggling to facilitate home-based learning, Janelle gives the following advice:

“Set a routine and stick to it. Celebrate the small victories! Set daily schedules, create clear boundaries and spaces for work and play and know that this is the best time for you to be present with your child.”

“It’s okay to take things one step at a time in the face of all the uncertainties and unknowns through this period. It can be overwhelming and we are all adapting in different ways. Personally, it was a learning process for me which included making mistakes, re-learning and embracing new ideas.”

Most importantly, she summed up, “Remember that no matter what, you have everything you need because you are your child’s first teacher and that YOU are just what they need.”

READ: 3 Home-Based Learning Learning Tips

BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

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Carissa Soh
Carissa gets easily excited by many things but especially so by the arts, food and unicorns (which she firmly believes exist).