Green Roof At Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant: Recreational Space Along East Coast

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There is a new recreational space at East Coast Park, the green roof at the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant.

Marina East Desalination Plant

The Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant is the country’s fourth desalination plant. It began operations on 29 June 2020 and is Singapore’s first large-scale plant that can treat both sea water and rainwater. It can draw and treat water from both the sea and the fresh water Marina Reservoir.

In addition to strengthening one of Singapore’s “national taps”, the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant also serves another purpose – its large, expansive green roof is a recreational space that is open to the public.

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Green Roof at Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant

Green Roof at Singapore Desalination PlantThe green roof at Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant is accessible from the south side of the plant, from the Plant’s Promenade.

Green Roof at Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant

In this current day and age, it is not surprising that you will need to check in using SafeEntry in order to enter the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant’s green roof.

Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant

The Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant’s green rooftop is a huge green, open space.

View from the Shelter at Marina East Desalination Plant

Besides the two shelters with seats at the eastern and western ends of the roof top, and some seating, there is very little else on the roof. It is suitable for picnics or just hanging out with friends.


In that way, it is similar to the Green Roof at Marina Barrage. However, it does differ in that kite-flying is not allowed at the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant rooftop.

Planes flying over the Marina East Desalination Plant

A few minutes at the desalination plant’s green roof and it becomes obvious why – the desalination plant is on the flight path of planes heading to Paya Lebar Air Base.


There are also some educational signboards which provide information on the design of the building and how it is integrated with a sustainable stormwater management system.

Stormwater management features

These features have been incorporated in the form of the basins and pools which surround the building.

Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant

Bike Racks

For those who arrive at the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant by bicycle, there are bicycle racks to lock away the bikes at the Promenade.

The Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant's Promenade
Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant’s Promenade which leads to the entrance to the roof top garden

If you are intending to visit the Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant roof, some of the things to take note of are that no pets are allowed, you will have to bag your trash and dispose of it at the Promenade, outside of the roof, and no playing of ball games or use of motorised vehicles are allowed.

Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant

The green roof at Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant is open from 8 am to 9 pm. It is located at East Coast Park Area A.

READ: How to Get to the Marina East Desalination Plant

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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