Children’s Festival At Gardens By The Bay 2021: Go On A Trail At The Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens

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The colourful characters of Art-Zoo have popped up at the Children’s Festival at Gardens by the Bay, taking place from 4 September to 3 October 2021 at the Supertree Grove.

Gardens by the Bay’s Children’s Festival featuring Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens

Children's Festival At Gardens By The Bay: Go On A Trail At The Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens

At this year’s event, which coincides with the September school holidays 2021 in Singapore, Bruno Bear and Little Kong will be reuniting with their friends Cheerful Caterpillar, Radiant Rhino Beetle, Super Speedy Snail, and the Lovely Ladybirds.

Join Bruno Bear, the curious and creative bear, and Little Kong, the gorilla who loves exploring new places, on a trail through the Wonder Gardens to find their friends around Gardens by the Bay’s Supertree Grove.

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Children's Festival at Gardens by the Bay

Take note that the huge inflatables are on display only. No bouncing is allowed on them, unlike at this other holiday spot.

Complimentary Trail Booklet

Complimentary Trail Booklet

To complete the trail at Gardens by the Bay’s Children’s Festival featuring Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens, visitors can pick up a complimentary trail booklet which they can use to discover fun stories about the characters in Art-Zoo.

Gardens by the Bay’s Children's Festival

This booklet is available from a counter close to the Supertree food court.

Standee with Gardens by the Bay Children's Festival trail booklets

We also spotted the booklets at a standee by the main carpark dropoff point.

After completing the trail activities, visitors can redeem a set of exclusive Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens stickers.

Little Critters’ Wonder Workshop

In addition, next to the booklet collection counter at the Supertree food court is the Little Critters’ Wonder Workshop area. Ticketed workshops will be held on the weekends at the South Colonnade @ Supertree Grove. Limited workshop slots are available and they can be booked online.

There will also be an Instagram contest (#GardensbytheBay #GBBChildrensFest #ArtZooWonderGardens) at the Gardens by the Bay’s Children’s Festival 2021.

Other activities that are currently ongoing at Gardens by the Bay include an Otah the Otter experience, Orient Express and the Dale Chihuly exhibition.

Visiting Gardens by the Bay’s Children’s Festival 2021 featuring Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens

Visiting Gardens by the Bay’s Children's Festival 2021 featuring Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens

Gardens by the Bay’s Children’s Festival featuring Art-Zoo Wonder Gardens will be open from 10 am to 7 pm between the dates of 4 September to 3 October 2021

What’s more, admission to the event is free. Get more details on the event here.

Get more ideas on what to do during the September school holidays 2021.

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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