Many would associate Easter with the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs. But for those who are interested to find out more, there are some fascinating facts about Easter for kids.
Learn more about Easter Sunday and its traditions as well as the origins of this holiday.
Easter Facts for Kids
Easter is Observed by Christians to Remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified and died on the cross and three days later, God brought him back from the dead. this is known as the Resurrection and Easter Sunday remembers this act by God which allows for the sins of mankind to be forgiven.
Why Easter is on a Different Date Each Year
Have you ever noticed that the dates of Easter change each year? It is never fixed on a particular date like Christmas is. Instead, Easter is known as a “movable feast”.
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The reason why the date for Easter changes each year is because it is set based on the Moon.
Each year, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full Moon that takes place on or after the Spring or March Equinox. If the full Moon falls on a Sunday, Easter is celebrated on the following Sunday.
Most of the time, Easter will fall between 31 March and 16 April each year.
Easter’s Origins
Before Christianity, there was a pagan festival that celebrated the arrival of Spring in the northern hemisphere. It is said that origin of the word Easter comes from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility.
Another view is that the word Easter comes from the Latin phrase in albis or eostarum in Old High German, which refers to the dawn.
Why Painted Easter Eggs
The first record of painted Easter eggs was in the 13th century. At the time, the church prohibited the eating of egg in the week leading up to Easter Sunday. The eggs that were laid during the week were painted to identify them as “Holy Week” eggs.
Another account says that during the Middle Ages, the eggs were decorated and eaten on Easter Sunday as a way to celebrate the end of the period of Lent.
How did chocolate Easter eggs come about? They were part of the plan to commercialise Easter by the big confectionery companies like Cadbury’s.
Easter Bunny
The origins of the Easter Bunny come from Europe in the 17th century where the Easter bunny was said to lay the eggs and hide them.
Because rabbits are associated with fertility, the Easter bunny was also a symbol linked to the goddess Eostre.
Not all countries have the Easter Bunny. In Switzerland, it is a cuckoo instead.
Hot Cross Buns
A hot cross bun is traditionally a yeasted sweet bun with raisins or currants and a light spice coating. It is then topped with a cross that is either piped in icing or etched into the dough.
Some say that hot cross buns date all the way back to the 12th century. The buns were supposedly baked by an Anglican monk in remembrance of Good Friday and marked with a cross.
Interesting Things to Know about Easter
We hope you’ve enjoyed these interesting Easter facts for kids. Now you know more about the Easter holiday!