Toy Libraries in Singapore: Play and Share

Toy Libraries in Singapore: Share and Play
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Imagine rooms full of toys and games, and room for kids to interact with other children, share toys, and make new friends. These shared spaces exist in the form of toy libraries in Singapore.

A visit to the toy library encourages parent-child bonding, as well as the development of social skills when children play together. And you know what they say – the best way to learn is through play.

Here are some toy libraries in Singapore, most of which are open to the public (some are specifically for special needs children). If you have toys to give away, some of these toy libraries in Singapore take toy donations too.

READ: Where to Donate Your Preloved Toys in Singapore

Toy Libraries in Singapore

AWWA Toy Library

Started in 1987, social service organisation AWWA’s toy library has a collection of about a thousand toys. It has 650 toy library members today, according to its website.

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Toys are purchased and selected by AWWA therapists, then categorised based on child development principles.

Children must always be accompanied by adults at the AWWA toy library. This encourages bonding through play. Parents can select toys according to their child’s developmental needs, and let the kids learn through play.

Membership to the AWWA Toy Library is open to the public and costs an annual fee of $12. To sign up, visit AWWA’s website.

AWWA Toy Library

Monday to Friday (Closed on Public Holidays): 9.30 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday (The First and Third of every month): 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Website: 11 Lorong Napiri, Singapore 547532
Tel: 65115310

M.Y Toy Library by Metropolitan YMCA

The M.Y Toy Library programme uses play, music, and movement to engage special needs children.

This mobile toy library in Singapore is run by Metropolitan YMCA (MYMCA). The organisation brings its collection of toys to special needs schools and organisations across the island. Visits by the MYMCA Toy Library are usually accompanied by songs and skits.

MYMCA volunteers come together weekly to sew props, costumes and toys, to prepare for the skits. The mobile team then uses these props as part of the skit.

It makes use of handcrafted toys with special details that aid children with learning disabilities. Interested to join as a participant or volunteer? Register here.

M.Y Toy Library

Dates: 3rd Thursday of every month
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
For: Special needs schools/organisations

READ: Where to Donate Your Preloved Toys in Singapore

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E-von Yeung
E-von Yeung is a writer who loves discovering new places for her two-year-old Lil Pea to play and learn, or simply to enjoy family time together. These include everyday spots like supermarkets and parks, where fruits and veggies, trees and animals make for interesting conversations. She believes that early childhood education begins at home - and the great outdoors - with dad and mum.