Schools And Preschools Step-Up Precautionary Measures Against 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Suspending Large Group Activities

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In the wake of the announcement of a local novel coronavirus transmission cluster on 4 February 2020, schools and preschools in Singapore will be taking enhanced precautionary measures against the novel coronavirus infection. These include minimising the congregation of students in large numbers.

Stepped-up Measures in Schools

The Ministry of Education announced that school activities such as assemblies, mass celebrations and camps will be suspended. Recess times will also be staggered.

These measures are being put in place to mitigate the risks posed when a large number of students congregate together.

Co-curricular Activities (CCAs) and after-school programmes may continue but in smaller groups.

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The measures apply to primary schools, secondary schools, special education schools, Junior Colleges and Millennia Institute. They will take effect from 5 February 2020.

Other measures which schools have implemented include temperature taking for visitors and requiring visitors to make travel declarations on any recent travel to mainland China. Some schools have also cancelled meet-the-parents sessions and briefings.

Precautions in Preschools

The Early Childhood Development Agency will also be enhancing precautionary measures by suspending large group activities, assemblies and field trips in preschools.

Health checks and temperature screenings for children, staff and visitors will continue while the frequency of temperature checks for children and staff will be increased.

Exercise Social Responsibility if Unwell

Students and staff who are unwell are advised to see a doctor.

Parents can also play a part by reminding children to practise good personal hygiene habits such as hand-washing. Children who are unwell should be fully recovered before being sent back to school.

In a media release, the Ministry of Education added that “We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and will implement further measures should the situation escalate.”

READ: Helpful Coronavirus Resources that Parents Can Use To Share with Their Kids

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