Getting a gift for dad can sometimes be difficult. Why not give the gift of laughter with some funny Father’s Day jokes that dads are sure to laugh (and love). This may be the best gift yet for dad.
Here are some hilarious Father’s Day jokes that you can share with dad and the rest of the family too!
Funny Father’s Day Jokes To Tell Dad
1. Why did the son play tennis with his father on Father’s Day?
Because he wanted to give him a tie.
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2. What do you call a person who is not a father but tells a Father’s Day joke?
A faux pa.
3. What is the best thing you can give dad for Father’s Day?
A sleep in.
4. Why did the bean give his father a sweater for Father’s Day?
Because he was chilli.
5. What aren’t there any Father’s Day sales?
Because fathers are priceless.
6. Why didn’t the bee leave the beehive on Father’s Day?
Because it was un-bee-leave-able.
7. Where did the criminal rainbow go for ruining Father’s Day?
8. What do little monsters call their fathers?
9. How many tickles does it take to make a daddy octopus laugh?
Ten tickles.
10. Why do sons love Father’s Day?
Because its also son-day.
11. What did the grizzly give to his dad on Father’s Day?
A bear hug.
12. What do you call a boomerang that a father throws that doesn’t come back?
A stick.
13. Why did the baby biscuit cry?
Because her dad was a-wafer so long!
14. What did the father say when his son tried to take away the dip?
That’s nacho cheese!
15. What did the son ocean say to the daddy ocean on Father’s Day?
Nothing. It just waved.
16. What did the daddy broom say to the baby broom at bedtime?
It’s time to go to sweep!
17. What kind of music does dad listen to when he goes fishing on Father’s Day?
Something catchy.
18. What did the poker make for his dad for Father’s Day breakfast?
Poked eggs.
19. What didn’t the alien want to book Father’s Day dinner on the moon?
Because it had no atmosphere.
20. What did the son ice cube say to his father on Father’s Day?
Dad, you’re the coolest!
21. Why did dad wear two pairs of trousers to play golf?
In case he got a hole in one!
22. How did dad stay cool at the football match?
He sat next to all the fans!
23. What’s the difference between a well-dressed father on a unicycle and a poorly-dressed father on a bicycle?
24. What did the pirate dad say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
25. Why didn’t the father want to play football with pigs on Father’s Day?
Because they hog the ball
26. Why did dad want to play golf on Father’s Day?
Because it’s tee-riffic!
27. How did the father make a sausage roll?
He pushed it down a hill
28. What did the daddy buffalo say to his son as he was leaving the house?
29. What was the father’s favorite thing to put in his sandwich?
His teeth.
30. What did the pig give to his father on Father’s Day?
Hogs and kisses.
31. Why do dads love telling pizza jokes?
Because they are cheesy.
32. How did the father make milk shake for Father’s Day?
He scared it.
33. What happened to the father who was scared of hurdles?
He got over it.
34. What happened to the daddy frog’s car when it broke down?
It got toad away!
35. When does a joke become a dad joke?
When it is apparent.
36. What did the dad say while doing his accounts?
This is taxing.
Funny Father’s Day Puns And Jokes For Dads
Ever wondered how the term “dad jokes” came about? Perhaps its because of how many a time when you ask a father a question, you’re bound to get a funny and clever answer. Here are some more funny Father’s Day jokes that dads are sure to love.
37. Did you hear what happened when I asked my dad to help me with a math problem?
He said, “Don’t worry; this is a piece of cake.”
I said: “No, it’s a math problem.”
38. What’s the difference between bad jokes and dad jokes.
The first letter.
39. Why did the daddy orange stop in the middle of the road?
It ran out of juice.
40. Knock knock
Who’s there?
Water who?
Water you doing for Father’s Day?
41. Why shouldn’t you buy velcro as a Father’s Day gift?
Because it is a rip-off.
42. What’s the cheapest Father’s Day gift you can buy?
Dead batteries. They are free of charge.
43. Why did the son want 50% of his father’s Father’s Day gifts?
Because he said if it weren’t for him, his father wouldn’t have received the gifts.
44. What’s the best Father’s Day gift you can get?
A broken drum. You can’t beat it.
45. How do fathers like their steaks on Father’s Day?
On a plate.
46. What do baby computers call their fathers?
47. What did the baby grape say to her dad on Father’s Day?
You did a great job rasin me.
48. What did the mushroom say to his dad on Father’s Day?
Dad, you are a real fungi!
49. What did the son cheese say to the father cheese on Father’s Day?
Dad, you’re the gratest.
50. What did the son giraffe say to the father giraffe on Father’s Day?
Dad, I really look up to you.
51. What did the son golf club say to the dad golf club on Father’s Day?
Have a tee-rific day, Dad!
52. What did the son coffee bean say to the dad coffee bean on Father’s Day?
I can’t espresso what you mean to me.
53. How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Father’s Day?
Because he could feel his presents.
54. What do fathers like to eat to keep cool on Father’s Day?
55. What is dad’s favorite Father’s Day drink?
56. What music does dad listen to on Father’s Day?
Pop music.
57. What did the cheetah say to his dad on Father’s Day?
I’m not lion, you’re the best.
58. Why don’t they celebrate Father’s Day in Egypt?
Because they prefer mummies.
59. Why did the golf-loving dad get for Father’s Day?
A tee-shirt.
60. What do clams do on Father’s Day?
They shellerbrate.
You may also enjoy these Father’s Day greetings and Father’s Day quotes.
Need more jokes? Read 300 dad jokes at the link here and Mother’s Day jokes at the link here.