Sometimes, it takes a child’s voice to get the attention of adults. 180 children’s voices have come together in a music video collaboration between Voices of Singapore and HealthServe, A World Together. This project aims to raise funds for migrant workers in Singapore.
A World Together: Children’s Virtual Choir
A World Together takes a look at migrant community through the eyes of children. It begins with Singaporean children sharing how they perceive migrant workers in Singapore and also how they would feel if they were in the shoes of migrant workers.
The children also had the chance to ask migrant workers about their personal lives, likes and dislikes. Migrant workers shared what they miss about their lives that they have left behind in their home countries in order to work in Singapore.
The HealthServe and Voices of Singapore music video then features the a 180-strong virtual choir singing If We Hold On Together, the Diana Ross song from the 1988 film The Land Before Time.
You can help to raise funds (and awareness) about the work which HealthServe is doing with the migrant worker community in Singapore by sharing the A World Together video.
Each share through the “share” button will be matched by a $5 donation by sponsors. All funds go to HealthServe’s Social Assistance programme. This fund provides temporary social assistance in the form of meals, shelter and phone top-ups to workers facing salary and retrenchment problems.
The project aims to raise $50,000 for HealthServe’s Social Assistance programme.
It is supported by the National Integration Council (Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth – MCCY), Singapore Kindness Movement, SDI Academy, and Ad Planet Group.
“Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in attention and concern for our migrant community, and we hope that community support will continue in the long-term. Through this video project, we hope to inspire a shift in the public’s mindset and attitude towards greater compassion, kindness, and genuine integration of foreigners into Singapore’s society,” said a post on the HealthServe Facebook Page said