Where To Watch The Red Lions Parachuting In For National Day Celebrations 2022

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The Red Lions are a firm favourite every National Day. The sight of Singapore’s elite troopers free-falling from the sky is always thrilling and this is expressed as the crowds go “whoop” in anticipation of their landing. So, where can you expect to see the Red Lions parachuting in for National Day 2022? We have the low down here.

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Where To Watch the Red Lions for National Day 2022

The first thing to note is that for the National Day 2022, you need not wait for 9 August to see the Red Lions parachutists swooping in.

The Red Lions will be jumping on Sunday, 7 August 2022. This show is a nice prelude to the National Day Parade 2022 on 9 August.

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In fact, for this year’s celebrations, the Red Lions will be heading to the heartlands at two separate locations. They will be making a jump into into the field next to Bishan MRT Station in Bishan and near Ghim Moh Market and Food Centre.

Red Lions Location #1 – Bishan (Open field next to Bishan MRT Station), 8.40 am to 9.30 am

Where To Watch Red Lions Location #1 – Bishan (Open field next to Bishan MRT Station), 8.40 am to 9.30 am
Image: NDP 2022 website

If you wish to watch the Red Lions making their descent into Bishan on 7 August, head over to the open field next to Bishan MRT station before 8.40 am. From 8.40 am, the event emcees will start to engage the spectators who are on-site.

At around 9 am, the Red Lions will be commencing their jump into Bishan. You can join in the fun and cheer them in as they land and stand to win exclusive NDP memorabilia.

Red Lions Location #2 – Ghim Moh (Open field opposite Ghim Moh Market), 9.10 am to 10 am

Red Lions Location #2 – Ghim Moh (Open field opposite Ghim Moh Market), 9.10 am to 10 am
Image: NDP 2022 website

The second location where the public can watch the Red Lions parachutists on 7 August 2022 is at Ghim Moh. Head down early before 9.10 am to get a good spot. From 9.10 am, the emcees start to warm up the public who are onsite. At around 9.30 am, the Red Lions will start their jump into Ghim Moh. Cheer along with the rest of the crowd and stand a chance to win exclusive NDP memorabilia.

Are you excited to watch the Red Lions? If so, you can also get the kids involved with this Red Lions parachute craft idea. There are also plenty of other activities taking place around Singapore for National Day 2022.

BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

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Chun Fong
Chun Fong thinks that hamsters are cute and loves tucking into chocolate eclairs. Yuzu eclairs are also welcome.