Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk: Enchanting Hideaway Hidden In Plain Sight

Nature Encounter, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
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While many people visit the tidal pools at the popular wetland reserve in the Northeast Singapore, fewer venture into the Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk, even though it can be found right beside the reserve’s main bridge.

Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk takes intrepid wanders on a loop over the brackish waters at the wetland reserve. It is one of the nicest mangrove boardwalks in Singapore that we have come across.

Heading out on the Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk

Heading out on the Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk

Two paths lead off into the mangrove from the shelter where the main bridge is located.

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Along the Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk

At first, the boardwalk, built on concrete pylons, will take you over marshy ground. To the left and to the right are slender trees and green shrubbery, fighting their way to get the sunlight.

Mangrove Swamp at Sungei Buloh

Venturing further in, the brown earth quickly gives way to muddy waters. As you walk past the waters, you can occasionally spot bubbles of air floating to the surface, or see busy mudskippers scampering up on to a resting spot on a mangrove tree’s roots.


The mangrove trees are all around and you can get a close up look at their varied root systems perched up above the waterline.

Shelters with Colourful Ceilings

Shelters with Colourful Ceilings

The Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk is also has several sheltered platforms.

Colourful Ceilings

When visiting them, be sure to look above to the ceiling. These have been richly decorated with colourful pictures which depict the wildlife found in Singapore.

Beauty of the Mangrove Swamp

There is also the view from the platforms, some stretching out over the waters of the mangrove. When the water is still, it provides a mirror-like reflection, doubling the beauty of this special place.

Nature Encounter

Nature Encounter

A visit to the Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk is both a chance to reflect on the wonders of nature, and to contemplate on what creatures might lie beneath its waters. This special place feels both serene and mysterious at the same time.

Nature Encounter

Of course, by keeping a keen look out, you may be able to spot the interesting creatures that call the sanctuary home too – like a crab we spotted clinging on to a sapling.

Sungei Buloh Mangrove Boardwalk is open from 7 am to 7 pm with last entry at 6.30 pm.

3 Recycling Adventures: Fun Ideas For Kids & Families

1:1 & Small Group English Lessons: How to Get Personalised, English Help

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