Snake jokes and puns don’t get enough exposure. But you can be sure that funny ones will certainly slither into your repertoire of jokes. There are so many different types of snakes and you are sure to be find interesting ones that will tickle your funny bone.
We have put together a collection of funny snake jokes and puns that you will be able to appreciate and ssss-imply enjoy!
Funny Snake Jokes and Puns
1. Why did the snake cross the road?
To get to the other ssssssside!
2. What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie?
A pie-thon!
3. Who is ruler of snakes?
The King Cobra.
4. Why didn’t the other snakes like the constrictor?
Because it was very boa-stful.
5. What did the snake hacker do to the computer?
It took out a mega-bite.
6. What snake was part of King Arthur’s knights of the round table?
Sir Pent.
7. What is a snake’s favorite party trick?
8. Why are snakes such good dancers?
Because they have all the ssssslick moves.
9. Why are snakes such good dancers?
Because they don’t have two left feet.
10. Why should you never use a snake as a boomerang?
In case it come back to bite you.
11. Why did the snake decide to become a computer programmer?
Because it was very good at python.
12. What do serpents do when they go to the ball?
They snake, rattle, and roll.
13. Did you hear about the snake that spoke very well?
It was an articulated python.
14. Did you hear about the snake that was appointed to high office?
It was hissss-tory in in the making.
15. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a snake?
A jump rope.
16. What did the magician snake say after completing the trick?
Boa and behold.
17. How do you know when a snake is angry?
They throw hissy fits.
18. What type of snakes make good accountants?
19. Why did no one want to talk to the snake?
Because it keeps rattling on.
20. What did the girl snake say when another snake tried to chat up her partner at a party.
“Hey there, that’s my boa friend!”
More of the Best Snake Jokes and Puns
Want us to slither more of the funniest snake jokes and puns your way? Slip and slide into a humorous good time with the funny snake references below.
21. Did you hear about the time that hundreds snakes got into a frenzy?
It was mass hiss-teria.
22. What was the snake’s favorite school subject?
23. What did the husband and wife snakes do after a fight?
They hissed and made up.
24. A sheep, a drum, and a snake fell off a cliff.
25. A snake was accused of robbing a bank. After being investigated by the police, the snake was released without charges. Why?
Because the snake was unarmed.
26. After the Great Flood, Noah was inspecting the ark one last time when he came across a pair of snakes. “Why are you still here?” he asked in surprise. “It’s safe now. Go forth! And multiply!”
The snakes stared at him in confusion. “But… we’re adders.”
27. A jellyfish, a snake, and a snail walk into a bar.
The jellyfish says, “This is impossible.”
28. What is a snake’s favorite Muse song?
29. Why did the snake chase after the jewel thief?
Because he wanted his diamondback.
30. What snake did the nanny take into the baby’s nursery?
The rattlesnake.
31. What did the doctor prescribe to the sick snake?
32. What do you call a snake that’s 3.14 meters long?
A “Pi”-thon.
33. Doctor: “Can you describe the snake that bit you?”
Patient: “Yes. It looked like an angry rope.”
34. Did you hear about the man who was mugged by a cobra while walking through the park?
He could not identify it in the police line up because it was wearing a hood at the time of the mugging.
35. What is a snake’s favorite programming language?
36. What kind of letters did the snake get from his admirers?
Fang mail.
37. What do you get if you cross a newborn snake with a basketball?
A bouncing baby boa.
38. Did you hear about the snake that drank an entire pot of coffee?
It became viber-active.
39. What do you get if you cross two snakes with a magic spell?
Even More Snake Puns and Jokes
Ready for even more puns? We have even more below.
40. What did the snake librarian say to the loud children in the library?
41. Why should you never weigh a snake?
Because they have their own scales.
42. What’s a snake’s favorite dance?
The mamba.
43. What kind of car does a snake drive?
An ana-honda.
44. A snake walks into a bar.
The bartender says, “How did you do that?”
45. Why do snakes always measure distances in inches?
Because they don’t have feet.
46. What do you call a snake who is employed by the government?
A civil serpent.
47. Why do you have be careful about what you say to snakes?
Because they can be viper sensitive.
48. What did the mommy snake say to the upset child snake?
Please stop crying and viper your nose.
49. Why did the snake cross the road?
To get to the other ssssssssside.
50. Who is a snake’s favorite poet?
William Snakespeare.
51. What did the girl snake give her boyfriend at the end of the date?
A goodnight hiss.
52. What do you call a snake that bakes?
A pie-thon.
53. What do you call a funny snake?
54. How do venomous snakes kill their prey?
In cold blood.
55. What do you get when you cross a snake and an airplane?
A Boeing constrictor.
56. What do married snakes have on their bath towels?
“Hiss,” and “Herss.”
57. Why are snakes good at hunting?
Because they know how to use a boa and arrow.
58. Why don’t snakes drink coffee?
Because it makes them viperactive.
59. What do snakes use to clean their car windows?
Windscreen vipers.
60. What is a snake’s favourite British TV show?
Monty Python.
61. Why did the real estate company hire the snake?
Because it was a boa constructor.
62. What is a favorite game that serpents play at parties?
Snakes and Larders.
63. Why are snakes so hard to fool?
Because they have no legs to pull.
If you enjoyed these funny snake jokes and puns, we are sure that you will also enjoy these other funny animal jokes.