Sir Manasseh Meyer International School: Dare to Dream, Dare to Fail

Sir Manasseh Meyer International School
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“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho

Cultivating the right attitude toward failure is the key to success. From an early age, this can be inculcated with the right environment – one where children feel safe and secure to make mistakes and to learn from them.

At Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMM), the culture of risk-taking and learning from one’s mistakes is ingrained into the school’s ethos. At all levels, from the Early Childhood Centre to higher grades, curiosity and inquisitiveness are encouraged in every student. Mistakes are accepted as part of learning and students are encouraged to take on new challenges and grow from them.

For young ones, this can be as simple as tackling a new piece of playground equipment for the first time, or learning to speak up in the classroom. Kids are encouraged to stand up for what they believe in and speak out without the fear of having their views ridiculed.

Young children learn best through play. That is why SMM’s Early Childhood Program is based on play. The classroom becomes a safe place for kids to play and learn at the same time. They learn to make friends and be friends. They also learn to trust and work together.

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Sir Manasseh Meyer International School

Learning at Sir Manasseh Meyer International School

At higher grades, learning at SMM goes beyond the classroom. Older children are exposed to activities such as swimming, basketball and soccer. The school also has an active arts program that present opportunities for children to develop their confidence through music and drama.

Sir Manasseh Meyer International School Play

These new experiences can sometimes be intimidating for first-timers but students at SMM are taught to embrace them. Even if they fail the first time, children are encouraged to try again and treat each failure as a stepping-stone to success. Every child has unique talents and abilities, and the school encourages them to nurture and grow these talents.

Nurturing Environment

This is possible because of the safe and supportive environment created by the faculty at SMM. Teachers are trained to not only challenge children to take risks but to support them in learning from their failures.

Every child is treated as an individual with unique talents. They are encouraged to dream big and work toward achieving their aspirations. Even if they fail to achieve their goals the first time around, teachers help them to develop the attitude that failure can be a motivator to future success.

Nurturing Students

At SMM, the student population is deliberately kept small. This low student-teacher ratio allows teachers to take an active role in guiding the development of each child. Teachers also play a part in encouraging students who fail to get up and try again.

Learning to Dream Big

With over 22 nationalities at SMM, the school has a truly international flavor. Students at SMM are exposed to cultures from around the world and learn to dream big by taking global perspectives on issues.

Classroom learning is supported by local field trips as well as overseas trips to neighboring countries. Excursions around Singapore allow children to gain an appreciation of the culture they live in while overseas trips broaden their perspective of how others live.

Learning About the World

Community work is regularly incorporated into the curriculum. Projects undertaken in the past have included raising funds and collecting second-hand clothing for children in the Philippines and visiting homes for the aged.

This mix of classroom learning, field trips and community work are part of an integrated system that teaches students to see themselves as part of a global society. This perspective teaches them that there is a big world out there for them to adventurously pursue their dreams.

Dare to Fail

At SMM, every child learns to dream big and to embrace failure as a way to learn and grow. Instead fearing failure, they learn from a young age that, as Albert Einstein put it,

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

If you would like to find out more about Sir Manasseh Meyer International School and how they can help your child develop to their fullest potential, visit their upcoming open house on Fridays, 14 & 28 October 2016. Register your interest here.

Sir Manasseh Meyer International School

Address: 3 Jalan Ulu Sembawang, Singapore 758932
Contact: +65 63314 6338
E-mail: send an e-mail
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This story is sponsored by Sir Manasseh Meyer International School Pte Ltd.
CPE Registration Number: 200811757D
Period of Registration: 6 July 2016 to 5 July 2020

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