Readers can now get access to more than 20,000 Tamil titles at Singapore’s largest Tamil literary collection at Woodlands Regional Library.
Tamil Cholai at Woodlands Regional Library
Known as Tamil Cholai which means Tamil Garden, the collection both literary works by Singapore writers and non-fiction works about Singapore. In addition, the new Tamil collection also highlights award-winning titles and ancient Tamil works in modern Tamil.
The collection, which is housed in a dedicated space at the library, was launched by Minister for Communications and Information Mrs Josephine Teo on 18 April 2022.
In addition to items in the Tamil language, there are also about 1,000 specially-curated works in English, Chinese and Malay. These titles make it more accessible for those who are interested to learn more about Indian arts, culture and traditions to do so.
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Amongst the available works include poetry translated from Tamil, as well as works written in English, Chinese and Malay on topics such as travel, history, and politics.
Highlights at Singapore’s Largest Tamil Literary Collection
Amongst the highlights at the new space on Level 2 of the Woodlands Regional Library is a showcase of the Tamil classic Thirukkural and a specially-curated exhibition on the outlooks and aspirations of the Tamil community in Singapore.
Also keep a look out for an exhibit of the Pallanguzhi, a traditional game which improves maths and motor skills, along with other Indian cultural artefacts.
The Tamil Cholai space was also features murals designed by students from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
To complement the Tamil Cholai collection, National Library Board will also be organising reading programmes to promote a greater understanding of Singapore’s multicultural society.
NLB Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ng Cher Pong, said: “Tamil Cholai is a treasure trove of books, stories and other materials which NLB would like to share with our patrons as part of LAB25. Through the expanded collection, we hope to add on to the Learning Marketplace we are constructing so that our patrons can learn and read more with us, and gain a deeper understanding of our multi-cultural heritage. We look forward to more patrons visiting the Woodlands Regional Library and enjoying the collection.”