REWRITTEN: 14 COVID-19-Inspired Artworks To Check Out In The Heartlands

REWRITTEN: 14 COVID-19-Inspired Artworks To Check Out In The Heartlands
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A walk in the park can mean much more with art in the parks to check out. National Art Council has commissioned 14 public artworks displayed throughout the island in the parks. From Jurong Lake Gardens to Lorong Halus Wetlands, families can look forward to spotting the art which will be on display till 6 June 2021.

Our art trail on wheels took us to Punggol and Lorong Halus where five of the artworks are showcased, some more subtle than others. So if you are in the area, look closely or you might miss an artist’s work!

About REWRITTEN: The World Ahead of Us

The commissioned works by Public Art Trust presents art that is accessible to the public, with many pieces conceptualised during the start of the pandemic. The public artworks are text-based with some inspired by local poets and writers. They hope to relay messages of hope and resilience, which are a refreshing sight in the heartlands.

A total of 14 artworks are sited in Jurong Lake Gardens, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Lower Seletar Reservoir Park, Luxus Hills Park, Ang Mo Kio Linear Park, Sengkang Riverside Park, Punggol Waterway Park and Lorong Halus Bridge. This makes it a total 36km and will also bring you through the coast-to-coast trail.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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Experiencing the Artwork in Punggol on Wheels

About REWRITTEN: The World Ahead of Us at Punggol

One of the best and quickest way to see the artwork is to get on bicycles! There are five artworks in the Punggol Waterway area to see, some of which are sprawled throughout the park connector. See if your family can find them!

The artwork are according to the order of distance from Waterway Point to Lorong Halus Bridge. It takes about 45 minutes to visit all of them on foot and about 25 minutes to see them on wheels.

Distance Will Bring Me Closer to You by Hanson Ho

Distance Will Bring Me Closer to You by Hanson Ho

Don’t mistaken this art piece for part of a hoarding. This is wall mural conceptualised by Hanson Ho to remind us of the “distant closeness” we may have experienced with loved ones during the circuit breaker. Many of us would have sent love packages in the form of food, desserts, sanitising supplies, bubble tea – which connotes that distance makes the heart grows fonder.

Distance Will Bring Me Closer to You by Hanson Ho - Public Art Trust

The best vantage point for this artwork is actually from the Punggol Walk bridge, its design echo-ing a “crab net”. Walk away from Waterway point, to get the the bridge and look towards Punggol Promenade where you will see Hanson Ho’s artwork.

Still Travelling by Laniakea Culture Collective

Still Travelling by Laniakea Culture Collective

Look under a bridge and you might just find a poem. Still Travelling is an art installation comprising a poem about a Barn Swallow and an image of a barn swallow. Writer Aaron Lee and painter Namiko are a couple whose work makes us pause in our steps, to take in our surroundings and resolve to rise again.

Still Travelling by Laniakea Culture Collective art

Just like the Barn Swallow taking flight during migratory season battling changes in weather and environment, let’s remember to press on and take flight for a better tomorrow.

間 by Cheryl Chiw

間 by Cheryl Chiw

Sitting atop a slope is a Chinese character (or two?) jian1. This interactive installation even invites you to load your favourite playlist which gets amplified using the structure of the sculpture. The word 间 means space of realm, and is made up of two Chinese sub-characters. Cheryl uses the word to show a passageway to a brand new world of possibilities, and how the pandemic created a pause in our lives. It also invites us to take a rest on the stroke at the bottom of the sculpture.

Temporary Escapism by Sam Lo

Temporary Escapism by Sam Lo

Sam’s work is probably one of my favourites as her quirky signages brightens the landscapes and stops you in your tracks. Whether it’s the daydream station, idea generation spot or ice-breakers, they are ideal spots for reflecting, posing and taking fun boomerang shots.

There is a total of 10 signages and 1 mural to look out for! Keep your eyes peeled for some tongue-in-cheek signages that might look a little out-of-the-ordinary. You may even feel motivated to trudge on with some powerful messages of encouragement such as the one near Oasis Terrace waterfront. One quick tidbit – those words were spoken to Sam often by her best friend which spurred her on during difficult moments.

Yellow by James Tan and Petrina Dawn Tan

About REWRITTEN - Yellow by James Tan and Petrina Dawn Tan

This immersive artwork at Lorong Halus bridge was inspired by Robert Yeo’s poem “Those in Urban Yellow”. Visit at sunrise, sunset or at night to see the light filtering through the yellow drapes which are curtains framing the silhouettes of nature. James’s and Dawn’s work in light design have been extended with this public art piece, reminding people to see art in their daily lives and posing an encouragement to anticipate a warm and positive future.

Take a Trip to the Park to Encounter Art – Day and Night

The pandemic might have reduced the opportunities to visit certain places. REWRITTEN has certainly rewritten the rules and anyone can access beauty at the park.

You may even want to visit certain artworks at night – Dual Possibilities at Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park and It Takes Time at Jurong Lake Gardens.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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