Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase: The 2025 Eco-Vision

Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase
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From now till 18 April 2021, visit Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase. In celebration of Tampines as the first community eco-town, learn about the past, present and future of Tampines through a display of informative panels, picture-perfect backdrops and attractive premiums up for redemption.

Informative Panels

Informative Panels at OTH Learning Journey

Go on a learning journey through 35 sections of beautifully designed and informative display panels and see the exciting vision of Tampines transforming into an Eco-Town by 2025! The vision will see Tampines boast a combination of unique landscapes and park connectors that will link the entire town together. 

fishing village OTH Learning Journey

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Learn about the past of Tampines and how it transformed from a mere fishing village back in 1828 to how it became the beautiful, clean and eco-friendly town that it is today. There are also many interesting facts to learn about Tampines such as how the Tampines Town Centre was deliberately planned in an hourglass shape to create a unique and urban design form, one of the most creative planning blueprints in the country at that time.

Aesthetic Walls and Picture Spots

Aesthetic Walls and Picture Spots at OTH Learning Journey

In between the informative panels are also beautiful Instagrammable flower walls that visitors can take pictures in front of. From roses to neon words and lights, look out for the flower display with the word “Blossom” as it comes with a fun bicycle prop that you can make use of when posing. This is a fun and interesting exhibit to visit with your family, friends and even neighbours!

Our Tampines In A Garden

Our Tampines In A Garden at OTH Learning Journey

Other than informative panels and flowers, “Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase” invites visitors to sit and chat at a garden-like setting with carpet grass, picnic tables and a flip booklet filled with the plans for the future Tampines. Visitors and residents can brainstorm ideas and suggestions on what they would like to see and submit them to the various points of contact given in the booklet.

Colouring Section For Kids

Colouring Section For Kids at OTH Learning Journey

Parents who come with their little ones can be assured that they will be kept entertained. Other than the free movies that are screened just a few steps away from the Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase, there are also colouring sheets and colouring materials for kids to use and create. The area has a hand sanitiser to ensure that little hands are kept clean before using the materials for play. 

Therapeutic Garden

Therapeutic Garden at OTH Learning Journey
Image: OTH

Refresh your senses at the Therapeutic Garden! Enjoy the ambient garden that is designed to stimulate all five senses. From a calming water feature, speakers which play sounds of nature and close to 40 types of flowers and herbs for appreciation through touch and smell, it’s a must-visit when visiting the Our Tampines Hub Festive Drive. There will also be a line up of therapeutic horticulture programmes, light fitness and game activities customised for the senior’s community’s enjoyment.  

OTH Eco-Warrior

OTH Eco-Warrior at OTH Learning Journey

As part of the sustainability efforts towards making Tampines an Eco-Town and to serve the community Our Tampines Hub has been working closely with volunteers looking to make a difference, also known as the OTH Eco-Warriors. They are searching for more people to join the team and those who wish to sign up and give back to the community in their own way can sign up here.

Find out more about the Our Tampines in a Garden Learning Journey Showcase at the website here.

BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

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Carissa Soh
Carissa gets easily excited by many things but especially so by the arts, food and unicorns (which she firmly believes exist).