I Wonder Picture Book: Circuit Breaker Through The Eyes Of A Child

Circuit Breaker Through The Eyes Of A Child: I Wonder Picture Book
Image: Lynn Wong
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During the extended Circuit Breaker period, one family wanted to do something meaningful with their time at home. This led parents Lynn and Eugene Tse, and their daughter RaeAnne to write and illustrate a children’s picture e-book, I Wonder.

The idea for the book came about after RaeAnne heard Lynn sighing one day about having to stay at home. She responded saying, “What’s so bad about staying at home? I think I quite like it!”

This moment highlighted the difference between a child’s and adult’s perspective of what was happening around them.

I Wonder Picture Book: The World Through the Eyes of a Child

I Wonder Picture Book: The World Through the Eyes of a Child
Image: I Wonder / Lynn Wong

I Wonder, the picture eBook born out of that moment, provides a child’s perspective of the COVID-19 situation, the Circuit Breaker measures and having to stay at home.

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It was written by Lynn and illustrated by Eugene and RaeAnne.

I Wonder - COVID 19 Through a Child's Eyes
Image: I Wonder / Lynn Wong

“She (RaeAnn) has taught us to look at this Covid-19 pandemic with optimism and hope. We hope this book can bring to life a story that children can relate with during this challenging time,” said Lynn.

The children’s picture book is dedicated to healthcare workers who have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also dedicated to the memory of Lynn’s sister who passed away earlier this year.

I Wonder captures the innocence and child-like optimism that we can all hope to have during tough times. Its illustrations lovingly capture a child’s perspectives of these momentous times.

The children’s e-book is available for download for free.

The Courage Fund: Supporting Others

In conjunction with the release of I Wonder, the Tse family is encouraging those who are able and willing to donate to The Courage Fund by Community Chest.

The Courage Fund was first established in 2003 during the SARS outbreak. Currently, it provides aid to vulnerable individuals and families in Singapore who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Find out more about The Courage Fund.

Staying Positive and Hopeful

Stay Positive and Hopeful
Image: Lynn Wong

Ultimately, the message which the Tse family hopes that others will take away from the book is one of resilience and optimism.

“We can ride through the storms in life when we stay positive and hopeful!” said Lynn.

Download I Wonder for free.

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