Fun At Our Urban Treasure Hunt

Little Day Outing - Urban Treasure Hunt
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Seven animal-themed Chinese idioms to learn. Seven clues to solve. Nine animals to find. And infinite fun at our Urban Treasure Hunt!

Little Day Outing to Hua Language Centre: Urban Treasure Hunt

We had our first Little Day Outing to Hua Language Centre last Sunday. It was a rainy afternoon, but our participants brought sunshine to Hua Language Centre at Parkway Parade with their excitement and eagerness to learn and play as a family!

Urban Treasure Hunt
Photo credit: Raphael Goh

Our version of treasure hunt started with a high-energy discovery session, where children and their adults learnt about animal-themed Chinese idioms together.

Little Day Outing to Hua Language Centre: Urban Treasure Hunt
Photo credit: Raphael Goh

These idioms were brought to life through physical activities and engaging stories, by Hua Language Centre’s teachers. The fun learning experience left a deep impression on everyone, as was evident in the speed with which they solved the clues to come by applying what they had learnt.

BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

WEEKEND IDEAS: Get Inspirational Ideas of Things to Do

-- Story continues below --

Bonding through fun learning
Bonding through fun learning. Photo credit: Raphael Goh
Learning about a Chinese idiom with a fish in it
Learning about a Chinese idiom with a fish in it. Photo credit: Raphael Goh

After the discovery session, it was time to venture out of the centre to solve clues and hunt for the animals in the idioms! Families had to put on their thinking caps to find these animals, and we were amazed by how quick and creative they were!

Three generations in one fun hunt!
Three generations in one fun hunt! Photo credit: Raphael Goh
Children and adults alike had fun thinking out of the box to find the animals in our Urban Treasure Hunt clues.
Children and adults alike had fun thinking out of the box to find the animals in our Urban Treasure Hunt clues.       Photo credit: Raphael Goh

Everyone enjoyed themselves, judging from the big smiles and excited chatter when they returned to the centre at the end of their quest.

Little Day Out Urban Treasure Hunt
Photo credit: Raphael Goh

The family that took the shortest time to complete the hunt was crowned our inaugural Urban Treasure Hunt champion and walked away with a special trophy.

The Ang family, our Urban Treasure Hunt champion, with Huai from Hua Language Centre at our mini prize-giving ceremony.
The Ang family, our Urban Treasure Hunt champion, with Huai from Hua Language Centre at our mini prize-giving ceremony. Photo credit: Raphael Goh

No one left empty handed. Every family received a booklet on animal-themed Chinese idioms, a voucher and a cute tote bag from Hua Language Centre.

We hope everyone discovered the biggest treasure of all in this hunt – the Chinese language!

The happy children and some of the parents taking one last shot together.
The happy children and some of the parents taking one last shot together. Photo credit: Raphael Goh

More Sessions Added

Due to popular demand, we will be holding two more sessions of the Urban Treasure Hunt. Join us if you have not done so yet!

Little Day Outing to Hua Language Centre: Urban Treasure Hunt

Dates: 24 June and 1 July (Sundays)
Time: 2.30 – 4.30pm
Venue: Hua Language Centre at Parkway Parade
Price: $20 for a family ticket (for a maximum of 4 persons); $10 for a child-adult ticket; $5 for an additional adult or child ticket

Click here to purchase your tickets.

BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Telegram for the latest updates.

Wai Ling
Wai Ling is a mother, writer, and design enthusiast who dreams of setting up a shop to sell nice things that no one actually needs.