Free Math Scavenger Hunt Templates For Fun Learning Indoors

Free Math Scavenger Hunt Templates For Fun Learning Indoors
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Organising a fun Math scavenger hunt at home isn’t difficult, especially with our free templates which you can download below.

A Math scavenger hunt is an opportunity for kids to practise their numeracy skills and more. Maths is everywhere. From numbers in a book to the geometric shapes that you find in objects around the home.

To get started, download our free Math scavenger hunt templates below. You can either have the kids play around the home or use a magazine or newspaper as the basis for their hunt.

Once they have finished the scavenger hunt, you can also use the opportunity to discuss with them about the various concepts that they have discovered through the hunt.

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Have fun!

Download Math Scavenger Hunt Templates

Math Scavenger Hunt Templates

Download the templates for the Math scavenger hunt.

Get more scavenger hunt ideas that you can do at home.

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BE PSLE-READY: Join Expert Educators for Revision Boosters to Empower P6 Students

BURP: Join the Sound Collector on a Whimsical Chase at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay

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Pearl Chen
Pearl is a mum of two who enjoys watching Netflix in between chasing after her kids and juggling life.