Bite-Sized Parenting: Using A Study Plan For Primary School Exam Revision

Bite-Sized Parenting: Using A Study Plan For Primary School Exam Revision
Image adapted from Victoria Borodinova from Pixabay.
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“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” These are words that many of us have heard. As with many things in life, planning for school exam revision can facilitate a more efficient and productive process. Parents want their child to do well, perhaps a better goal is to encourage good study habits that will translate into desirable work ethic for life.

Schools usually distribute the academic essentials at the start of the year. Mark down the important dates and refer to it as it will have all the information you need when preparing for assessments and exams.

Why Making a Study Plan for Primary School Exam Revision Is Important

1. Planning helps you to identify what the relevant topics are

Why Making a Study Plan for Primary School Exam Revision Is Important

Knowing what needs to be revised will make the process more productive and efficient. Penning it all down gets one to know how much there is to be done.

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2. Planning highlights the areas that need more work

Areas that need more work – according to the past assignments, assessments or teachers’ feedback, should be highlighted in the study plan. This gives both parent and child more perspective on what needs more time and effort.

3. Planning gives a good overarching view of the timeline and progress

Given how we have limited time and resources, planning for the exam revision gives a good overarching view of progress and timeline. Working with what we have and pacing the child is much better than last minute cramming.

4. Planning gives the child ownership

This is an opportunity to give the child ownership of his or her own exam revision. Yes this is a great opportunity to teach the child to own it. Parents often do a lot of what the child can do, this includes planning for the revision. Your child should write out the plan, with your assistance in checking, goal-setting, determining if it’s practical and perhaps giving some tips based on experience.

5. Planning is a lifeskill

There could be plenty of hiccups as the child figures out exam prep and exam skills. Planning is a lifeskill that needs plenty of practise. Hence we can empower our child with important life skills that will enable him/her to plan for other important hurdles in future.

Components of a Study Plan for Primary School Exam Revision

There should be a few essentials in the study plan including:

  • Subject
  • Important Assessment Dates: When the next assessment or examination is, the kind of papers whether it is Oral, Writing, MCQ
  • Topics tested
  • Goals & Targets
  • Timeline & Plan, with remarks

After penning down the essentials and ensuring its accuracy, stick it on the wall so it is visible. Checkboxes can also be included so the child can tick off items completed. This gives a sense of accomplishment and encourages responsibility.

Download Little Day Out’s Printable Study Plan Template

Download Little Day Out’s Printable Study Plan Template

Get Little Day Out’s printable study plan template.

Share it with friends and family who may find it useful!

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