Bite-sized Parenting: 7 New Year Resolutions To Keep As A Family

7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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As we enter another new year, many of us may be making lists of New Year Resolutions that we want to do to start the new year right. If you’ve been struggling to maintain your new year’s resolutions, know that adding anything new to your usual routine is the same as starting a new habit and it takes some getting used to. Don’t give up!

Here are some practical and achievable New Year resolutions that are still valuable habits and actions to improve your overall well being and year ahead!

Family New Year Resolutions

1. Start a family ritual

Start a family ritual 7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Be it cooking a meal together once a week, having family movie nights, or even family catch-ups, family rituals are the basis of many happy memories as children grow. They are also a way to create a feeling of belonging and security. Consider looking at what activity each family member enjoys and using that as the inspiration for the family ritual.

2. Add a workout to your weekly routine

7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

This may or may not be a familiar new year resolution. If you’ve been wanting to exercise more regularly for health, wellness or even aesthetic reasons, the best way to succeed in this new year resolution is to keep it fun and sustainable! If you’re not used to working out regularly, adding classes or timeslots to workout in small intervals, rather than to sign up for a year’s membership of gym and not use it to its full potential. Other ways to keep yourself motivated include doing group classes with friends or even shopping for some workout clothes that make you look and feel great!

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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3. Create a cleaning schedule

Create a cleaning schedule Start a family ritual 7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

Sadly, even with technology, a self-cleaning home has yet to exist. If you find yourself having to do a deep clean regularly and dread walking into a mess, consider setting a cleaning schedule for you to stay ahead of the daily tasks that need to be done. There are lots of free templates and guidelines that you can use to set a cleaning schedule that works best for you.

4. Be intentional about investing time in relationships

Be intentional about investing time in relationships7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Dario Valenzuela on Unsplash

When the world was forced to go into lockdown, it was a clear reminder of the importance of relationships and staying connected. Ensuring that we take time to maintain our social support systems and not take them for granted is a resolution that always has a place on the list. Some examples include going on dates with your spouse, having one on one time with your child and friends or even making a phone call to someone that you might not be able to meet physically.

5. Drink more water

Drink more water 7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Bluewater Globe on Unsplash

Staying hydrated has many health benefits and it’s also an achievable resolution that requires little to no spending of money. Some ways that you can get into the habit of drinking more water include carrying a water bottle around, downloading free apps that remind you to drink water or even ensuing that you swap out a sweetened or caffeinated beverage for water instead.

6. Prioritise your mental health

Prioritize your mental health 7 New Year Resolutions To Add To Your New Year Resolution List
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Many of us might have come out of a stressful year and if the previous year brought unexpected changes and situations, it is important that we do a health check on our mental health as well as our physical health. Setting healthy work-life boundaries, going to a professional, and constantly educating yourself on mental awareness are some ways to get started. Remember that it is always okay to reach out for help in times of stress or sadness.

7. Volunteer together as a family


One way to build gratitude and to foster the spirit of generosity is to give back to the community.

Many non-profit organisations invite volunteers across different ages to join together to help in tasks such as packing or distributing food and resources. Here are some of the lessons we learnt during our time volunteering at Food Bank Singapore.

You may also enjoy reading about questions for self-reflection for the new year.

River Hongbao: 9 Highlights at This Year's Event

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