20 Things To Do At Home With A Sibling

20 Things To Do At Home With A Sibling
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Siblings – through all the ups and downs, it is important to foster a good relationship with them. Regardless of the difference in age gap or personality, there’s always some interesting activities that you can do together as long as both sides are willing to spend quality time together. Here are 20 things you can do at home with a sibling.

You may also be interested in beating boredom with these easy Minute to Win It games that kids can play.

20 Things To Do With A Sibling

Play hide and seek

Play hide and seek
Image: Unsplash

Playing hide-and-seek is a classic game that has some valuable physical benefits such as building stamina as you run around and also you’re your observation skills as you try to find a good hiding place.

Journal together

Journal together
Image: Unsplash

Journaling is a great activity that is not only proven to have lots of benefits in helping one understand and process their thoughts better but is also a chill bonding activity that siblings can do together.

Year-end Holiday Camps: Discover Fun and Exciting Camps for Kids; Book Early

Farm Fright: Join City Sprouts For Their Halloween Bash On 26 Oct

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Create a magazine

Have a shared interest? How about coming up with your own magazine. Brainstorm a name and the kind of content that your magazine is going to be centred around. You can choose to make it a physical copy and make it by reusing old pictures or using free editing software to make it an online magazine.

Play dress up

Play dress up
Image: Unsplash

One fun activity to do with a sibling is to play pretend. Siblings can find costumes or clothes that can be used to dress up as a character of choice, it’s always fun to have a sibling to help when doing some improv acting. You can also make makeshift costumes with old newspaper or other materials around the house.

Play a board game

Board games are a tried and true way of allowing kids to practice their interpersonal skills and while keeping themselves entertained. Nowadays, there is the option of physical board games as well as virtual sites that one can play board games on too.

Create art and hold an art show

Spin art
Image: diycandy.com

Love doing art? Let kids show off their hard work and creative ideas by doing art together and putting it all together to make an art show! There are various art activities you can do and there are multiple resources on our site such as these eight easy painting methods to try. One can also draw inspiration from actual local art shows such as this one about marine life.

Create a play to perform for the family

If your children have the interest and love for performing, encourage them to create a play to perform for the family. They can draw inspiration from television shows as well as actual plays and movies that they might be watching.

Read to each other

Paired or partnered reading is an activity that is often used in schools as it encourages two people to work together as well as teach them to be patient with one another. There are various books that siblings can read together when at home. Here are some places that you can find children’s books, some of which may be on sale.

Use socks as puppets for a puppet show

Got some extra socks? Chances are that you do! Sock puppets are a classic homemade toy that encourages imaginative play! Creating a character or a new friend out of a sock can brings hours of fun for kids.

Make paper aeroplanes and see which one can fly the farthest

Make paper aeroplanes and see which one can fly the farthest
Image: Unsplash

Paper origami is a fun activity and there are many things that one can fold. Did you know that there are different variations of paper planes that one can make? Challenge your sibling to some friendly competition with a paper aeroplane competition. Fold and decorate a plane before finding a winner when throwing the paper plane as far as you can.

Play I Spy

I spy is a fun game that can be played anytime and anywhere. Simply take turns with your sibling to pick a different object that you can see and ask them to take a guess based on the clue that is given.

Host a radio show

Ever wondered how it would be like to host a radio show? Pick some of your favourite tunes and take reference to some ongoing radio stations. From the planning of programs to conducting interviews and playing the latest hits, this is a fun activity that siblings can bond over!

Pretend to set up a store

Depending on what the interest is, there are hundreds of options when it comes to pretending to set up a store. If there are kitchen or cooking toys, siblings can set up a restaurant or grocer, while if there are books around, they can also set up a book store.

Build a house with cards

Build a house with cards
Image: Unsplash

To build a house of cards, take two cards from a regular deck of cards and try to form an inverted ‘V’ shape or triangle with the floor. Repeat accordingly. Siblings can work together to build a large tower or have some friendly competition to see whose’s tower is the tallest!

Draw cartoons or comic strips

Do your children enjoy reading comics? Encourage them to work together in brainstorming a fun comic strip featuring their favourite cartoon characters or even creating new ones. There are multiple tutorials that siblings can refer to.

Play a card game


Card games are a foolproof, fun and sometimes even educational activity for siblings to bond over. Different card games can be played using a simple deck of cards, or parents can invest in card games such as Uno, memory games, or one of our favourite games, Saboteur.

Play charades

Charades is a word game played without speaking; only hand gestures and movements are allowed. The game can be played anywhere, with kids of any age, and without a large amount of preparation. It’s also sure to ensure a few laughs in between!

Sing karaoke

Sing karaoke
Image: Unsplash

Got a song stuck in your head? A fun activity to do with a sibling is to sing your heart out. Take turns to do solos to a karaoke track of choice on youtube or even choose a duet song to perform together.

Do a science experiment

Learning about the world is made even better when done together with a sibling and friend while doing cool science experiments. From making a classic volcano to a red cabbage indicator and even edible food projects, check out the many resources available such as the ones on this site here.

Put on a shadow puppet show using a flashlight

Did you know that Shadow Puppetry is said to have originated in China over two thousand years ago during the Han Dynasty? There are many interesting shapes that kids can form using their hands or even objects around the house along with a flashlight. It’s a fun activity to do to wind down together with a sibling. Watch this interesting video above.

Don’t forget to check out our list of easy Minute to Win It games.

Year-end Holiday Camps: Discover Fun and Exciting Camps for Kids; Book Early

Farm Fright: Join City Sprouts For Their Halloween Bash On 26 Oct

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