A Quick Chat With Little Miss Bento: What’s In Her Lunchbox?

Bento Parents To Follow On Instagram: Cute Lunch Box Looks To Take Inspiration From
Image: Little Miss Bento
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We have long admired Little Miss Bento’s lunchbox and her exquisitely decorated bento. Shirley Wong or better known as Little Miss Bento recently held a workshop at Singapore Writers Festival and participants whipped up an adorable meal together via a virtual session. There is another session being held on 13 November too.

Find out what is in Little Miss Bento’s lunchbox and what she would put in her bento if she picnics outdoors, all in our quick chat below.

A Quick Chat with Little Miss Bento

We all know you as Little Miss Bento and we love that you continue to spread the love of lunchboxes. What sparked your interest as a food artist?

I think it was really my love for kawaii things and wanted to spice up my own lunch making process.

What’s in your bento lunchbox today? 

Oh today my lunch is simple, just a good old egg sandwich.

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How would you advise busy parents and caregivers in creating lunchboxes for their families?

creating lunchboxes for their families
Image: Little Miss Bento

Try to do perhaps a weekly meal plan in advance that would get you ready for the groceries. Don’t be shy to prepare more at dinner and pack the extra for bento the next day if really squeezed for time.

Some affordable gadgets like rice molds and stamps can easily dress up a cute lunch without spending too much additional time.

Share with us more about your workshop at Singapore Writers Festival 2021.

It was really lovely sharing one of our local book series and their characters with the workshop participants. Not only can they learn and have fun making a cute lunchbox, but also get to know Percy & Pam 🙂

Tell us about where you would love to head to for a Little Day Out, and what kind of bento you would pack.

Interview with Shirley Wong, Little Miss Bento
Image: Little Miss Bento

I think it has really been a while since I picnic outdoors. It will be nice to do so this year end, with some cool weather, definitely going to make some sushi rolls for my bento! They are easy to eat while out, no mess, and all the yums!

Sounds yummy indeed! What a pleasure to have Little Miss Bento share bites of her bento journey with us. To see more of her bento magic, follow her on her Instagram account here.

Find out more about what’s on at the Singapore Writers Festival 2021.

Year-end Holiday Camps: Discover Fun and Exciting Camps for Kids; Book Early

Farm Fright: Join City Sprouts For Their Halloween Bash On 26 Oct

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