Bite-Sized Parenting: 5 Goals Actually Worth Keeping

Bite-Sized Parenting: 5 New Year Resolutions Actually Worth Keeping
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As we enter another year, perhaps it is time to reflect on the year that has passed and envision goals for the coming year. Here is a list of goals for the new year that we can potentially keep!

5 Goals You Can Easily Keep

New Year Resolutions
Image: Polina Kovaleva from Pexels

1. Form a Positive Habit

Work and school have now taken on new forms, with commuting less of a necessity. Learning and working can both be done from home. That has mean an increase in device usage and screen time. Were there habits formed that we might relook and change? Perhaps the dependency on screen time for entertainment has taken a toll on other aspects of life such as fitness, relationships and recreation. Start the year right by correcting a poor habit or start building a habit. It takes 66 days for a new habit to form!

2. Always Look for the Bright Side

It might have been dreary with fatigue looming due to restrictions. Certain sectors and professions may also feel the impact even more. Let’s think positive and look on the bright side. Rather than fixate on things we cannot change, count your blessings and remember the simplest things you can be thankful for. What we can change is our attitude and our own perspectives. Let’s start with a smile, not a frown and perhaps a pause to soak in what we can enjoy – fresh air, family, shelter and life!

3. Spend More Time with the Family

Family Time
Image: Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Can there ever be too much time with the family? We think not.

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Chinatown Heritage Centre: Local Residents Enjoy Free Admission till 16 February

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Sometimes a season of stay-home restrictions can drive home lessons we did not intend to learn. The friction from the forced interaction, sharing of space might result in more tension. But it can also help us to understand one another better, and perhaps even put ourselves in the shoes of others more. One thing we can definitely be more intentional about is being genuinely vested in our children’s lives, get to know them better and perhaps start a family ritual that belongs to everyone.

4. Do Something You Have Not Done for a Long Time

There may be activities you may have refrained from doing since early 2020 – visiting attractions, having playdates or travelling! Here’s your chance to do something you have always wanted to do for a long while.

5. Meet a Friend Face-to-Face

Personally, I have cut down on social activities and have not seen some friends in ages. Why not plan a meetup with friends you have missed but have yet to meet? A face-to-face meetup is needful for the relationship to flourish, and a meaningful conversation will certainly lift spirits.

Goals – new hopes for the new year

Set some achievable resolutions for the new year, and we hope you will reach new goals and form new habits. Wishing you a wonderful and exciting year ahead with new resolutions to fulfil!

V-Day's Coming Up: Quirky and Fun Ideas for Your Next Date

Chinatown Heritage Centre: Local Residents Enjoy Free Admission till 16 February

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